To see the current weekly rates for all room types, please enter your preferred check-in and check-out dates below.
Unfortunately your selection does not meet the requirements for the selected rate. Please choose the correct length of stay to see room availability for this rate.
Unfortunately your selection is less than the required 12 weeks minimum stay. Please increase your length of stay to see room availability for these dates or simply contact our team at Student One for help.
Unfortunately your selection is more than the 18 month maximum stay. Please decrease your length of stay to see room availability for these dates or simply contact our team at Student One if you would like to book for a longer period.
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In times of blogging, Tweeting, Snapchatting, Instagraming and Facebooking it is utterly refreshing to receive a hand written postcard.
The Griffith University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (GUCSSA) had a fantastic time here at Student One on Adelaide Street.
If it's too hot, you're to weak! A good curry has to have some bite to it and our resident students loved the Malaysian food on offer last night.